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Ancient History (2 Unit)

General Overview

Teacher - Ms Rosie Morgan

Ancient History will help students understand how past civilisations have influenced the ideas, beliefs and values of modern societies critically evaluate various written and archaeological sources and make judgements based on the evidence, communicate logical arguments in both written and oral form and empathise with people from the past.

*Please note this course is only available in 2025 to exisiting students.

Preliminary Course

The Preliminary course is structured to provide students with opportunities to investigate past people, groups, events, institutions, societies and historical sites through archaeological and written evidence by applying the methods used by historians and archaeologists.

The course comprises a study of:

PART I: Investigating sites and sources

  • Introduction to types of evidence, small investigations of archaeological sources and written sources.
  • Case Studies (at least two case studies must be undertaken) - Investigating Aegean Legends,  and the site of Teotihuacan.

PART II:  Features of Ancient Societies (at least two must be studied.)

  • Warfare in the Ancient World: Egypt/Greece/Persia
  • Culture and Architecture: Art and Architecture in Archaic Greek Society
  • Power and Image: Thutmose III
  • Spartan and Athenian Women

PART III: Historical investigation

  • Teacher demonstration of process using the tomb of Tutankhamen
  • Student independent investigation

HSC Course

The course comprises a study of:

PART I: One Personality in Their Time

  • Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten

PART II: One Ancient Society

  • Bronze Age Minoan society

PART III: One Historical Period

  • New Kingdom Egypt from Amenhotep III to Rameses II.

PART IV: Common Core Study

  • The Cities of Vesuvius

How will I be assessed?

Assessment will consist of a range of tasks, including extended writing tasks,  knowledge tests, source analysis and examinations. There are three formal assessments in the Preliminary course and four formal assessments in the HSC course.

Ancient History develops excellent communication skills and teaches you to research and analyse material.

Such a background is valuable for the following career paths:

  • Law
  • Journalism
  • Advertising and Marketing
  • Personnel Management
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Diplomatic Service
  • Public Sector jobs
  • Education
  • Librarianship
  • Archaeology